(Based on true incidences of life…)
The above phrase contains a competence of generating great smoothness among our social cluster. If life is an engine then inspiration is the lubricating oil. Appreciation is a form of inspiration but better of the same criteria. It is better to pump up the spirits of a human via appreciation instead of blunt inspiration. I reckon the fact that this philosophy of mine would be a nasty bludgeon on the reader’s head, but I shall inflate these thoughts via couple of examples. And believe me there is no slightest pinch of fiction in these examples. One of them happened in the very class of mine, at students’ section and at our own parking. Let us check them out.
Let us begin our campaign with our own college parking. We always sit in a group i.e. me and my four other friends. We are better known as ‘The Powerful Pandavas’. One of our friend cracks new joke every minute. He attempts to crack joke on whatever, whoever passes by his eyes. Some times he falters, but I never fail to laugh on his joke. Today he succeeds in laughing any person around him. His sense of hilarity is now at its peak. And today we are one of the best comrades in our college. If you laugh at your friend’s joke then it will generate a sense of smoothness between you and him. This can only be felt, not expressed by my lexis. The second incident occurred at the students’ section. There was a bee hive of students trying to deposit their fees. There were only two clerks machining for some 300 odd students. The third clerk sipped tea but was not in a mood to do his job. When it was my turn, the working clerk did his tedious job. I peeped in his eyes and said "Thank You Sir’’. I don’t know how these words affect the heart of the third lazy clerk. He began functioning and the students were freed in lesser time. He just smiled at me before he took his first application form with a sense of sparkle in his eyes…
The third incidence took place in my own class. Our deputy H.O.D. Mr. N.N. Bhuptani is a man with live spirits. He knows everything about me and my writings. He always targets me whenever he asks the class something weird roving around Microprocessors or Microcontrollers. He even knows that I have penned a book which is not able to make its way to the publication house. As per his habit, he caught me unaware one day in the class. I write at least one of my original thoughts during the ongoing lecture. He caught me red handed while doing this. He signaled me to stand up from my seat. He peeped in my eyes and kept his hand on my feeble bony shoulder. He said, "Amit, these days I don’t find your columns in The Times Of India". I said," Sir, I am a bit busy writing blogs these days". Actually I had met a couple of publishers but I was bitterly failed. I had lost my spirits and I was coveted to delete the e-copy of my book stored in my computer. He said," So Mr. Blogger, What about your book?’’ I said in a low voice, ‘Sir, No one gives chance to a young writer’. He retorted, ’’Amit, if your book gets printed then I would be the first one to buy it. And remember it won’t be a complimentary one". My molten spirits became rock solid and again I have begun the un ending expedition of making my book to reach its only destination-a publication house…
I am in love with your epitomes
Simply Superb
hey dude dont feel like loser n never allow such feeling 2 enter in your mind. At earliest world doesnt recognize the wonders but later only they bow down and salute wonders.Always search net 4 publishers.Make your creations attrctive by giving an attractive title.
urs nikhil
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