Thursday, April 15, 2010

Her Sky...

Her Sky. . .

Missing her is like looking at the sky. . .

With laughing faces peeping in my eye…

Feeling her is like feeling the air…

The more it blows the more I glare…

Treating her is like treating the verve…

Wherever I am, I feel her nerve…

Loving her is like loving my life…

The more I live the early it dies…

Living with her is like living my dreams…

The more I see her the more it means…

Finally leaving her is like leaving my spirit…

The less I think; the more I get into it…!

---Amit Purohit (The Lone Soldier)


Unknown said...

ekdum fresh.....

The Lone Soldier said...

thanks for reading...

Unknown said...

very touchy........

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Lone Soldier said...

thanks for reading...
Be happy,,

palak said...

yar i dnt have words 2 tell u...deep feeling,touchy....itz fanastic...

Ashwin Vairu said...

good one man!

The Lone Soldier said...

thanks man !!

Anonymous said...

awesome yaar...... its too good

The Lone Soldier said...

@vinita thanks for reading